
We Got a Face Lift!

As you can tell, I have updated the blog! Check it out and let me know what you think. Test out the new QR Code on the right. Just download a QR Scanner App (I suggest QR Droid for Android users... Sorry IPhone users, your on your own to find one) and it will take you to my website right on your smarphone! Pretty cool huh? Now, you never have to be without Meagan Dallas Photography. I am in the palm of your hand...literally!

I am currently trying to update my website as well, so keep in touch in the coming weeks to see what is going on there. Also, stay tuned for upcoming promotions and announcements this week, it is going to be great!!

Have a good week!
Peace out River Trout :)



Tulips, Tulips, and No Tulips

SOOOO today I had the great idea to go to the great city of Mt. Vernon for the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival (you can check it out here... ). I was told there was going to be rows and rows of tulips and you can see nothing but tulips. Naturally, I was super excited about this and was dreaming of pictures I could take...

This all sound great doesn't it? Wrong...I drove there (30 minutes away) and printed off a small black and white map hoping to experience this greatness. I get there and I can't find the tulips!! They are no where to be found. I follow the map and the signs, but I do not see any beautiful colorful flowers. Luckily the drive isn't a TOTAL bust, there were daffodils blooming, but they are just daffodils... nothing too special. Anyway, I was able to drive around the cute little town and countryside. Here are some pictures from the day...hopefully I can go down later in the month (the fesitval lasts all month) and get some tulip pictures! That is if its not raining.... chances aren't very high...

The farms would let people pull over on the side of the road and walk through the rows and rows of flowers...

Happy Easter!!



Too Long....

WOW it has been a while....
not much has happened in the world of Meagan the Photographer, except I just finished playing host for the past month. Visitors included a good friend from college, my sister,and my mom! Although it is nice having my small 1 bedroom place to myself again, it is strange not knowing when I will see them again. Tucker does not know what to do with himself since all the visitors have left, he is back to being stuck in a pen all day :(

Throughout the many times travelled to the Seattle International Airport and back, I was able to get some photography in... even made it to Portland and Mt. Baker! Here are some of my favorite photos from these travel extravaganzas!!

Inside the VERY FIRST starbucks...downtown seattle

The Seattle Library is so cool. The geometry and textures the facade creates is amazing and you can't help but stare at it.

The city is literally RIGHT on the water....one of the reasons why I love it here...

Mt. Baker is truly one of the coolest places I have ever seen. The drive up isn't that pleasing.. the snow was EASILY 5 times the height of myself....I guess it isn't hard to believe that it holds the world record for snow fall in the whole entire country!

I have made it the whole length of lent without any pasta!! which is a HUGE accomplishment for me seeing how prior to lent I was having pasta a good 5 times a week probably. I have definitely become creative in cooking with vegetables and rice. I suppose I should learn how to cook more kinds of meat besides chicken and ground turkey.... On the menu this week is blackberry cheesecake and cauliflower tator tots (not together, just want to try both this weekend)

SPEAKING of the weekend, it is Easter and I am super sad that I will not be at home for this holiday, although it is not the first time I have been away from my family for Easter. Maybe I will sit and go through my pictures from 2 years ago at Easter where I spent time with THE POPE IN ROME. Maybe I will set up a Easter egg hunt for Tucker in my apartment?? I need more friends... BUT a fellow coworker and I are going to meet up for Easter Lunch/ Dinner!! Here is the Pope on Easter two years ago!

Stay tuned for more updates from this weekend...there will be tulips involved hopefully :) maybe even a new bike :) :)

Quote from my past month of life..."may the odds be ever in your favor..."
