
Happy New Year!

So I have had a lot of time to think and reflect on this past year and have decided to try something new in 2012 and hopefully better myself. My goal for 2012 is to complete a series of tasks each week and blog about my experiences. My hope is that I will learn about myself and come across some neat things along the way! Here is what I am going to try to accomplish every week 1. Cook a new meal 2. Bake a new kind of cupcake/ dessert 3. Take a picture/ series of pictures 4. Learn something new (craft, knitting, drawing, etc.) 5. Blog about my week! I am hoping this helps me move toward the "new" me! Goals for 2012 -write a children's book -pursue my photography career -travel to Canada -take a roadtrip -RUN a 5k Who knows what this year will bring, but I am ready to find out! This year's motto: "the new you in two zero one two" Peace and Love, M

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