
Weekly Update- A Week Late...

So I have really been slacking on my New Year's Resoluion! Isn't it funny how every year we set these goals for ourselves and within even a few short weeks we abandon those promises we made to ourselves?

This week in Bellingham, the weather has not been that great....gloomy and rainy all day. It is hard to practice photography when you are in a office all day and it is dark when you leave and dark when you go home. It is getting better slightly, but I wish there was a happy medium between working and advancing a hobby into a profession (especially one where light is a big factor).

One night when the clouds finally broke (right when the sun was setting), Tucker and I headed out to one of my favorite look outs. This particular spot happens to also require you to endure a treacherous drive. It probably isn't that bad if you are used to driving it, but it requires you to drive on a winding two lane road with one side being a mountain and the other side being the side of a cliff. I think the view is more spectacular when you get there just because you risked your life to get there. Below are a couple photos I took while enjoying the view!

And for fun, I have taken up cooking and baking during my week to expand my talents. This week I made Sante Fe Chicken for dinner...it was so good and made A TON! I now have leftovers for a good week and a half worth of lunches at work. I also learned you can boil chicken...never knew that before! See the link below for the recipe!

For dessert, I tried making Orange Pecan Tea bread...sounded enticing but I must had screwed something up while cooking it because it was too soggy to even eat. It looked good when it was done though!

Have a good week my friends!
Peace and Love,

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