
And the winner is.....

So this year I made it a goal of mine to try new things and branch out as a photographer. This month I launched my monthly photo contests! Literally anyone can enter. These contests are meant to be fun and get people to share photographs, whether they are edited, been taken on a phone or on a professional dslr, won a professional contest, or just a favorite picture of yours. Each month hosts a different theme and a different hashtag.

For the month of April, the theme was of course, April Showers!
Here are some of the entries from this month...

yes, I did enter some photos... I didn't want to be left out of the fun!

And the winner of the FREE print is....





REBECCA KEATON!! this is the winning Photo.. It is SO GREAT! so much going on in this photo, it is breathtaking.

That wraps up the April Contest! Thank you all for entering your pictures and stay tuned for the next contest in May! There will be a brand new theme, new hashtag, AND a new prize! There will be some updates to the may contest to make it a little easier to enter and follow the contest, so stay tuned for that! To see all entries to the contests throughout the year, follow me on instagram, twitter or facebook...or even my website. Yes, I am all over the place... it's great.

Keep it real,

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