
Top 10 Tips... Escaping the Cubicle.

I just got back from this workshop at MPLS Photo Center titled "Escaping the Cubicle." It was SO helpful. We were fed a plethora of helpful information, my mind is on overload trying to process everything and figure out where to start. I mean, I took 15 pages of notes...

Natalie Champa Jennings was the instructor, and let me tell you, she did an AMAZING job. A lot of instructors try to put way to much information into their classes, that the students start to just feel useless and feel they have to take on a mountain just to start. That is not how it was with Natalie. I left feeling empowered. I left feeling like I could take on this task of being a photographer. Although there is a lot of work to be done, and the road will be long, I felt as if I could do it. I could start.

Here are the TOP 10 FACTS I took out of the class, most of them can even be put forth in any small business plan.

1. Figure out your goal...WRITE it down- hold yourself accountable.
2. Figure out how hard you are willing to work.
3. Learn to shoot manually, then experiment with other settings.
4. Create a work flow that works for you and stick with it.
6. Shoot well! everything will become easier and faster if you have a great photo to start with.
7. Create a business AND marketing plan- you need to know where you want to go before you begin.
8. Get on social media and blog/ update often.
9. Get an accountant and insurance.
10. Save 25% of every dollar you make.

Natalie also shared with us two quotes that I thought were spot on...I don't think I will ever forget them.

"Where focus goes, energy flows"

"There is no reason for a plan b...it will only distract from a plan a." - Will Smith

Stay curious my friends...


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